Coolant Filter Kit Ford 6.0L Power Stroke 2003-2007

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SKU: 1032121
Regular price $381.00 CAD

Product details

  • Vendor BD
  • SKU 1032121
  • Barcode 990011404624

Prevent cooler blockage causing engine damage. The engines water jackets contains a white talcum type of powder from new that speeds up the engine coolant break down. This coolant slurry blocks the passages in the oil to coolant heat exhchanger resulting in engine damaging high temperatures. The easily installed BD Coolant Filter mounted in-line with the engine coolant hoses stops the damage. Complete kit comes with filter head, spin-on filter, mounting bracket, hoses, clamps, fittings, mounting hardware and a bypass valve for easy change of filter.


  • Prevent oil cooler blockage causing engine damage
  • Easily installed mounts in-line with the engine coolant hoses
  • Comes with filter head, spin-on filter, mounting bracket, hoses, clamps, fittings, mounting hardware
  • Bypass valve for easy change of filter
  • Non-proprietary Donaldson P554685 filter

  • 1 Hour 30 Minutes

  • 12-Months
  • 24,000 Miles

  • F-Series Pick-up only / No E-Series
[/shortdesc][product_line]COOLANT FILTER[/product_line][product_applications]Enable[/product_applications][product_manuals]Enable[/product_manuals][product_meta_keywords]1032120, diesel coolant, powerstoke coolant filter, Ford, 6.0L Powerstroke 03-07, Engine Components, Coolant Filter Kit, BD 6.0L Powerdstroke Coolant Filter Kit Ford 2003-2007[/product_meta_keywords]